Brake pads Derbi GPR 125 4T 4V 2009 - 2015 | made by Ferodo

The parts listed below are for use on Derbi:
- GPR 125 4T 4V of the years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.

Couple of Road Sintered ST brake pads | Ferodo | front

Couple of Road Sintered ST brake pads | Ferodo | front

For road use with stainless steel brake rotors.
Sintered metal compound.

Certification: TUV, KBA and ECE R-90.

Pad life ★★★★★
Disk life ★★★☆☆
Friction ★★★★★
Bite ★★★★★
Fade ★★★★★
Controllability ★★★☆☆
Wet braking ★★★★★
Comfort ★★★☆☆

Package includes 1 left pad and 1 right pad for 1 brake disc only.

Thickness 0.30 in | 7.50 mm

Code FDB2201ST

5% off

Price USD 36.22
Price USD 34.41

Free shipping everywhere
Delivery within 6-14 days

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There are no import duties / taxes to pay.

Couple of Road Platinum P brake pads | Ferodo | rear

Couple of Road Platinum P brake pads | Ferodo | rear

For road use with stainless steel or cast iron brake rotors.
Mid-metallic compound.

Certification: TUV, KBA and ECE R-90.

Pad life ★★★★☆
Disk life ★★★★★
Friction ★★★★☆
Bite ★★★★☆
Fade ★★★★☆
Controllability ★★★★★
Wet braking ★★★☆☆
Comfort ★★★★★

Package includes 1 left pad and 1 right pad for 1 brake disc only.

Code FDB384P

5% off

Price USD 24.14
Price USD 22.93

Free shipping everywhere
Delivery within 6-14 days

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There are no import duties / taxes to pay.

For more info and applications, look up:

brake pads shoes | Ferodo